Skin Tips: Egg Mask for a Glowing skin, Acne Scars & Pore Tightening

Egg Mask for a Glowing skin, Acne Scars & Pore Tightening Pretty skin

you need:

1. Two egg whites

Egg white Mask for Pore tightening acne scars glowing skin

1. Tablespoon of Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice & egg face mask Pore tightening acne scars glowing skin

now it's as simple as add the ingredients together, whisk and apply to your clean face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

you will see the difference immediately, your skin will feel fresh, pore will be tighter, and marks will start to fade.

if you are interested in skin care and home remedies, read my article - 5 Foods That Make Your Skin Glow

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